Our 6th Grade Grading/Homework
Ten Points will
be deducted for each day it is late.
After FIVE
days late, the work will not be accepted. A zero will stand in the grade book.
For the case of
an EXCUSED absence, the student has THREE days from the date of return to make up ALL classroom and homework assignments and/or
make arrangements with me.
Please remember!
In Language Arts, students will have
homework EVERY NIGHT! This includes weekends. (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday counts as one night.) Do NOT tell your parents
when they ask that you do not have homework. That will be a lie.
TUTORIAL is ONLY for students who do not understand
concepts in class, need help with papers or need to make up a test missed due to an excused absence. All reasons for tutorial
must be discussed with me first. Parents must send a note stating the student can stay and will be picked up promptly at 3:30PM
or that the child walks home.